PYP Announces 2023-24 Award Recipients

PYP Announces 2023-24 Award Recipients

The Pensacola Young Professionals' announce their 2023-24 Award Recipients at their Annual Celebration.

The Pensacola Young Professionals' hosted their 2024 Annual Celebration on April 5, 2024, at the Museum of Commerce. Their outgoing President, Justin Oswald, highlighted the organization's accomplishments from the past year and noted that these accomplishment would not be possible without the dedicated support of their members, the Board of Directors, and the community. Justin stated that the board selected the following individuals to recognize for their outstanding support to PYP. Justin, along with the incoming President, Michael Tona, presented the following awards.

Member of the Year – Jacob Phelps

Justin explained that the Member of the Year Award is given to an individual who has stepped up above and beyond as an engaged and active member of PYP and in the Pensacola community. Justin announced Jacob Phelps was selected to receive the Member of the Year award for being an engaged member and active supporter of the organization.

Leader of the Year – Anna Lochas

Justin identified that the Leader of the Year Award is given to a leader who has stepped up above and beyond the call of duty of their leadership role and helped push PYP to the next level in the Pensacola community. Justin announced that Anna Lochas was the recipient of this year's Leader of the Year award. Justin explained that Anna stepped into her role mid-year and quickly took on additional duties to support our organization and to ensure there was a smooth transition during a major change to the organization.

Alumni of the Year – Jonathan Thompson

Justin introduced the next award and explained that the Alumni of the Year award is given to an alumnus who has stepped up and re-engaged with the organization to help bring PYP to the next level in the Pensacola community. Justin announced that Jonathan Thompson was selected for this year’s Alumni of the Year award. Jonathan previously served as PYP’s President in 2014-2015 and has continued support PYP by serving on our Advisory Committee and as a mentor in PYP’s Mentor Pensacola program 

Four Core Award Winner – Anna Goretski

Justin identified that the Four Core Award is given to an individual that has exemplified the four cores of PYP as a member OR alumni of the organization. While the cores have changed over the years, the dedication to the organization remains the same. Justin announced that this year's Four Core Award recipient is Anna Goretski for going above and beyond in her role to engage members and connect with prospective members.

Special Service Recognition – Megan Brown

Justin announced that this year the board wanted to show their appreciate to another person for their dedication and support of the organization. Justin explained that Meg Brown served as an outstanding Executive Director of PYP. Justin explained that while Meg has moved on to new opportunities outside the organization, that board wanted her to know that they appreciate everything she has done and they wish her the best in her new endeavors. Justin and Michael then presented Meg with a service award.